Trump and US

Trump and US
Updated 16 March 2016

Trump and US

Trump and US

I do agree with the views expressed by Bill Emmott in his article “Don’t laugh off Trump threat” (March 15). There are chances of Trump winning the upcoming election. Just a few months ago, nobody had thought that Trump could make it this far in the electoral battle. Trump represents a mindset that is gaining strength in the United States.
The GOP did not take it seriously at the initial stage but now it is regretting, as he has become unstoppable. It is not important what he does or does not do as the president of the US. We should not ignore the fact that he is changing the way Americans used to think and deal with others.
The article in question drew comparisons between Trump and Silvio Berlusconi of Italy. I do agree with the writer that there are similarities but we should not forget that there is a huge difference between US, the superpower of the world, and Italy.