Saudi Arabia will not allow illegal foreigner workers to stay in the Kingdom at any cost, said Labor Minister Adel Fakeih on Tuesday.
“We’ll intensify the ongoing campaign to drive out all illegal workers,” he added.
He said there is no justification for keeping violators of the Kingdom’s laws inside the country. “Only those people who respect and abide by the country’s laws and system must stay,” he added.
Fakeih downplayed the impact of the government’s campaign against illegal workers on businesses. “We are determined to clean up the labor market and we’ll not allow violators to work in the country for any reason.”
The ministry deployed 150 more trained inspectors across the Kingdom on Monday to conduct raids on businesses and institutions and find out whether they employ any foreigners who violate residency and labor laws.
Fakeih told the new inspectors to carry out their duties with trust, responsibility and justice. “You should punish those who insist on violating laws and protect the rights of all parties,” the minister said.
He stressed that the inspectors should deal politely with all workers and institutions without bias.
The new group of female inspectors will check whether businesses provide suitable working conditions for women as instructed by authorities.
Fakeih said the ministry would soon announce new solutions for problems facing recruitment of maids and other house servants. “Recently we held a consultative meeting with 200 citizens to discuss all aspects of the issue.”
Illegal expats will be thrown out: Fakeih
Illegal expats will be thrown out: Fakeih