The secret style of a Vogue Overdosed

The secret style of a Vogue Overdosed
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The secret style of a Vogue Overdosed
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The secret style of a Vogue Overdosed
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Updated 25 February 2015

The secret style of a Vogue Overdosed

The secret style of a Vogue Overdosed

Ghalia Mahmoudi is a happening fashion blogger who writes about local and international fashion and style. She is a marketing student sharing her fashion addiction with the world through her blog
Stylish people have always surrounded Mahmoudi ever since she was a little girl. Her mother used to dress her up like a doll and her grandmother used to watch Fashion TV all the time. “Fashion is just as important as talking skills and body language; style is the way to silently express yourself,” she said.
We met with the modish Mahmoudi who has inspired many of our fashion stories. We talked about her passion for staying fashionably updated and her future plans after graduating from college.

When did you decide to become a blogger?
When I realized that it was ok to have people criticizing my style. I learned that I shouldn’t let criticism stop me from sharing what I love. I remember I used to throw away a garment if a friend didn’t like it, now I accept the comment and I wear it again and again and again ... until it becomes so “last season”!

Why did you decide to name your blog Vogue Overdosed?
It’s a funny story! Detention was my best friend in high school; I hated my uniform so much that I always accessorized it! Eventually my classmates and teachers found out about my fashion addiction so they nicknamed me “Miss Vogue”! I have been overdosing on my addiction so I had to share that too.

What do you usually blog about?
I blog about my personal style! I share my daily outfits and some humble tips I learn after committing fashion mistakes! A new addition will be made since I have been developing a makeup addiction so I will definitely start blogging about that too.

What is your personal opinion about the Saudi fashion scene in general, and in Jeddah specifically?
The fashion scene in Saudi Arabia is definitely not the way it was when mom dressed me up as dolls. It evolved so much especially after social media was introduced. I remember people incorporating trends a couple of months after they were introduced in Paris and Milan. Nowadays people incorporate these trends at the same time they were introduced there.

Describe your personal style and its influences and inspirations.
I am still in the process of experimenting but I usually find myself trying to mix street style with chic glam. I get inspired by my feelings and moods and I get influenced by fashion icons!

Who is your favorite designer and where do you usually like to shop.
I don’t favor a specific designer; I might like a designer’s current collection and dislike their next! I guess I still didn’t find that one designer who perfectly expresses my style.

What is the first thing you look at in another person’s outfit and why?
The fit of their garments; it either makes or breaks their outfit. There’s nothing worse than looking like you’re wearing your mom or sister’s clothes and there’s nothing better than looking like you’re wearing something that seems like it was designed for your body.

What is the fashion rule you will never break?
Never wear black and brown together; that's a big no!

What do you think is the most recent notable trend to appear/reappear and what are your thoughts on it?
Denim! It's never off trend but this time it's all over the runway; we’ve seen it on Burberry, Stella McCartney, Gucci, and Tods’ shows for SS15. A lot of people think wearing denim on denim is the easiest trend but it really isn’t, it's so hard to pull it off! Pairing the right shades of denim with the right cuts is very

What is your next “must-have” purchase?

That would be a long list!

Which famous person's style do you admire?
Olivia Palermo, she goes from casual to chic so effortlessly!

In your opinion, what is the best shopping destination.
The World Wide Web! In other words, online shopping is the best.

What sets your style apart from other personal style bloggers?
We all have a “personal” style; everything personal is different!

What is your favorite outfit that you have posted so far?
My favorite outfit would be the one from the “Colors Of Life” post. I wore perfectly fitted white jeans with a white top that has white flowers on it. It doesn’t look like it was coming off the runway but it was definitely 'me'. White on white outfits make me feel so fresh, vibrant, and so full of life.

My understating is that you just discovered your love for makeup. Does that have to do anything with the fact that you are the daughter of a leading makeup artist?
Her makeup studio looks like a candy shop! How can I see that and not fall for make up?

How do you balance your life between college and fashion blogging?

It’s just a girl thing! Most females like to dress up whether they’re studying, working, or raising children. Dressing up is something we do every single day no matter what our status in life is and we tend to share that with girl friends; telling them what we got on sale and about our new favorite heels. So I thought it's totally harmless if I take 15 minutes to type it down for my cyber friends just the same way I do when I bump into a friend in the hallway.

What are your plans after graduations?
I plan to travel the world ... just the fashion world in specific.